Friday, December 27, 2019

Research Paper - 754 Words

Heroes Paper The world needs heroes, but what really is a hero? A hero is someone who shows remarkable perseverance and courage. Perseverance means that you never give up and courage is when you are not afraid to do something. A hero should also be hard working which means they always do their best and does it diligently. Anyone who shows any of these qualities is a hero. A true hero is a person that is hard working. Jackie Robinson is perfect for this. He was the 1st African American to play major league baseball in history. His road to success was not so easy though. He was mistreated by all of the other white players in the league because they didn’t like him. Jackie Robinson was constantly getting big cuts on his legs because†¦show more content†¦She became known throughout the south as Moses. Harriet Tubman’s perseverance helped bring over 1000 slaves out of slavery and shows each and every one of us today that if you strive to do the right thing, then good things wi ll happen. One of the most important qualities of a hero is responsibility. My mom would be a prime of example of this quality. She mom is the epitome of responsibility. My mom had me when she was young and even though she was young, she always took good care of me. She always got me food to eat and a place to lay my head. She has always been there for me when I needed her. My mom works around the house and keeps everything running smoothly. Instead of sitting around all day at home, she does work to make the house look nice. She washes dishes, vacuums, and cleans all of the rooms. If our house did not have my mom we would be in complete chaos. My mom always says, â€Å"If you show that you are responsible then you will be well respected.† One big way that my mom shows that she is responsible is that she makes dinner for the whole family. She does this every single night and it is always a good dish. My mom shows that if you are responsible, people will think highly of you. We can all think of a hero as wearing tights and saving civilians in a city, but the examples of these people show what a real hero is. A real hero is hardworking, shows remarkable perseverance, andShow MoreRelatedWhy I Write A Research Paper900 Words   |  4 Pages39C is all about research papers, I put off my plan to take my major requirement class and take 39C first. I wanted to learn how to write a proper research paper before I take other classes because one of the major assignment in the major class will be a research paper. Coming to class, I had no idea what to expect and thought we just write the same thing as Writing 39B only with more outside sources. I did not know the difference between research papers and non research papers. It turns out thatRead MoreWriting a Great Research Paper1643 Words   |  7 Pagesby Karl Weber, M.A. Writing a Great Research Paper: Picking an A+ Topic Study Guide Video Aided Instruction, Inc. Roslyn Heights, New York 1 #VAI-S1914 v1.0 This study guide should be used along with a program published by Video Aided Instruction, Inc. For more information, call 1-800 -238-1512 or visit us online at This study guide should be used along with the following program published by Video Aided Instruction. The instructor works through the exercisesRead MoreA Research Paper On The Quality Research906 Words   |  4 PagesThe reason this book is being reviewed is because this was one of our textbook for our book review. This book was for our class to understand how to write a research paper in higher standard. The Quality Research Papers is written by Nancy Vyhmeister has forty-five years of experience in teaching future pastors and professors throughout the world. She continues to have a global ministry in her retirement years, mostly teaching and writing. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Should Community Colleges Be More Accessible For Lower...

President Barack Obama is proposing a plan that would allow community colleges to become more accessible for lower income households, who may not have the means to pay for higher forms of education. This issue on whether to focus and divert most of governmental funds to community colleges has sparked a lot of controversy throughout the nation. The United States is known as one of the most influential countries, with the strongest military defenses the world has ever seen. But by pushing for lower tuition prices or even free college tuition it requires a decision that looks at all sides of the spectrum. Powerful men like Nelson Mandela have said, â€Å"Education is one of the most powerful weapons which you can use to change the world†; however, education does come with a high price that most Americans are not willing to pay for. Although providing a higher form of education to low income households will increase the number of educated people within our communities; however, it will not compensate for the negative effects on our society. By offering free community college the quality of education within many colleges throughout the nation may decline drastically over time because of the financial status of many colleges now. According to The New York Times, colleges now are not equipped to handle a new influx of students, and because free college causes such a huge burden on the public budget it will create shortages rather than increased access to students who cannot afford itShow MoreRelatedAnalysis and Action for a Communitys Health Essay1472 Words   |  6 PagesCommunity: Riverdale Riverdale is an upscale community in the Northwestern corner of the Bronx bordered by the Hudson River, Broadway, the Bronx/Westchester county line and the Harlem River. It is accessible by the BX buses 7, 9, 10, 20, the 1 the 9 train, the Bee Line 1,2 3 and the Metro North Railroad. It is also accessible by the Henry Hudson Parkway. Riverdale is apart of Community District 8 and the 10471 zip code, which includes Kingsbridge, Marble Hill and Spuyten Duyvil Read MoreThe Assessment Of Yakima County1562 Words   |  7 Pagesinsurance is 37% as opposed to the state average of 19%. There are multiple reasons one might go without such a necessity in our County as opposed to the state average. The first is Bankruptcy. â€Å"Lack of health insurance can come about due to lack of income to pay for it, or when a breadwinner is between jobs that would otherwise provide health insurance as an employment benefit. If a major illness or accident occurs during the time a person is uninsured, it can lead swiftly to bankruptcy, reports theRead MoreThe Poverty Of The United States1548 Words   |  7 PagesOvertime issues with the percentage of citizens in poverty has risen. Several organizations have been set up to help those who suffer from poverty and provide their everyday needs. There are always ways where a community can help eliminate the amount of people suffering poverty. Government has an influence on how much money flow there is in the United States such as the FED, which was created to help maintain a stable monetary and financial system and control the mone y supply. People themselvesRead MoreAnalysis Of The College Board s Trends On Higher Education Series1708 Words   |  7 PagesBaum, S., Ma, J., Payea, K. (2013). Education pays 2013. The College Board. This report is part of The College Board’s â€Å"Trends in Higher Education Series† that are published annually to provide evidence to policy makers to help aid in decision making. It includes comprehensive data and charts that show that higher education does pay off for graduates. The authors discuss the benefits of higher education both for the individual and for society as a whole. 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However for six of the survey questions some of the participants were excluded due to response error. The study specifically gathered data from Loyola Marymount University, which is a predominantly middle to elite class college on the We st Side of Los Angeles that has easy access to farmers markets and local organic products; this is important to keep in mind since diet and consuming organic food can strongly be based on socioeconomic status. The survey (see Appendix) usedRead MoreNew Rochelle City Of New York City3398 Words   |  14 Pagesdiverse population of residents. The majority of this community is currently 50% White; however, the community is well blended due to the presence of Hispanics/ Latinos making up more than 20% of New Rochelle. Blacks or African Americans makeup an approximate 15% within the population. The male population of New Rochelle consists of a total 36,980, whereas the female population stands at 40,082, taking majority. The median age for the community lies at 38-years- old, and the urban, up- scale environmentRead MoreMarriage Is A Unique Social Institution3151 Words   |  13 Pagescreated by the Social Security Act from 1935 - 1996 that provided financial aid to children whose families had low or no income. With the influence of the AFDC, it discouraged many women from marrying because the benefits were more easily obtained by one parent families, making women more likely to have childre n outside of marriage and remain unmarried. With women with little to no income, economical factors plays into the decision of whether or not to get married. Marriage could hinder the women s eligibility

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Strategic Purchasing Participation Selection †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Strategic Purchasing Participation Selection. Answer: Introduction Selection of suppliers is a critical component in procurement function which is performed before any contract is awarded in organizations. It involves carrying out appraisal and identification process of supplier to be awarded contracts in order to perform certain organization requirements (Nair, Jayaram Das 2015, p.6265). Organization performance is critical if the right suppliers are selected in a free and open manner. The research proposal outlines how selection of suppliers can influence organization performance. Selection of suppliers is critical in performance of an organization and it is important for an organization to ensure they work with good, approved suppliers. The supplier selection process involves three steps; identification, appraisal and awarding of contracts. Supplier appraisals entail using ranking and scoring methods to establish a winner to be awarded contract. Performance in organizations is measured on the basis of quality materials, less wastage, and competi tive products and services (Igarashi, de Boer Michelsen 2015, p.455). Organizations employ different policies and procedures used to identify and select appropriate suppliers. There has been various criterias used in selection of suppliers it may be based on supplier performance, organization legislations and policies. In other organizations the 10c of supplier selection is applied this include: character, competency, clean, capital, capacity, capability, consistency, communication, cash and co-operation is used to selection of suppliers (Luthra 2017, p.1687). Recent studies have shown that there are some other negative factors that influence the selection process thus leading to non-suitable performance to be selected. Some of the factors include legislative, organization politics, and previous experiences (Sarkis Dhavale 2015, p.178). The current study is seeking to establish how selection of suppliers can influence organization performance. Problem statement Organization requires resources to support its several functions. Sourcing of requirements and resources is the work of the procurement departments whereby they need to apply suitable policies and procedures in order to identify the most qualified of them all. Several supplier selection processes is done using paper work instead of supplier performances. Performance in organization depends on proper selection of suppliers if done well it contributes positively and if done badly it leads to poor performance. The current study is seeking to establish if selection of suppliers can influence organization performance. The study will be seeking to answer the following questions: How does selection of suppliers influence performance of organizations? Which are the negative factors which influence selection of suppliers in organizations? Which are the suitable methods of selecting suppliers in organizations? The study will be useful to several stakeholders both within and outside the organizations. Management will have to come up with suitable methods that they can use to select suppliers to ensure they will meet the required organization needs. Findings will be useful in identifying the contributions brought by suitable supplier selection strategies in organization and its influence to performance. It will enable the research to directly link organization performance and selection of suppliers. Research methodology Literature review: Literature review will be important in identifying the gaps related to the study. The secondary data will also be important in explaining the research questions provided in the study. The sources will be from peer reviewed journals, books, magazines and recognized company sites. The review of literature will be based on the themes of the study. The study location will be multinational organizations within the region. The study will utilize survey design, which involves collection of qualitative data through structured interviews with top procurement managers in multinational companies. Purposive sampling technique will be employed after a pre-study have been done to identify the number of respondents to be interviewed. Purposive sampling involves a non-probability method where all respondents are selected due to the nature of information to be obtained from them (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault , 2015). The structured interview schedule will be generated based on the research questions of the study. The respondents will be interviewed for a period of two weeks. Data collected during interviewing process will be analyzed qualitatively. A jig saw puzzle method will be employed where related texts will be stitched together to provide meanings (Flick, U., 2015, p.34). The frequency tables and charts will be used to present the data. A final report will be generated based on the findings. The study is hoping that good selection of suppliers can contribute positively to the performance of the employees. From the study will able to establish negative factors that contribute to poor selection of suppliers in organizations management. The study is hoping to establish from the different multinationals the suitable techniques and methods they are used to select and identify their suppliers. Reference lists Flick, U., 2015.Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. Sage. Igarashi, M., de Boer, L. and Michelsen, O., 2015. Investigating the anatomy of supplier selection in green public procurement.Journal of Cleaner Production,108, pp.442-450. Luthra, S., Govindan, K., Kannan, D., Mangla, S.K. and Garg, C.P., 2017. An integrated framework for sustainable supplier selection and evaluation in supply chains.Journal of Cleaner Production,140, pp.1686-1698. Nair, A., Jayaram, J. and Das, A., 2015. Strategic purchasing participation, supplier selection, supplier evaluation and purchasing performance.International Journal of Production Research,53(20), pp.6263-6278. Sarkis, J. and Dhavale, D.G., 2015. Supplier selection for sustainable operations: A triple-bottom-line approach using a Bayesian framework.International Journal of Production Economics,166, pp.177-191. Taylor, S.J., Bogdan, R. and DeVault, M., 2015.Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley Sons.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Key Differences Between Criminal and Civil Law free essay sample

Law covers a huge amount of different areas and for this reason it is split into two main categories – Criminal and Civil which is also known as Private Law. Each of these areas covers different aspects of the law. Civil law is generally a dispute between individuals whereas Criminal law states what behaviour is acceptable or unacceptable as the case may be. By highlighting the main differences between the two categories, we can build up a clear picture of the way law works. Criminal law is made up of precedents which are guidelines that we have to follow. If we do not follow these guidelines known as laws we are at risk of punishment. If a person commits a crime, they are sent to court to receive a suitable punishment. When a crime is committed, it is committed against the state with ‘the state’ meaning all of us. (Class Notes, 2009) There are currently thought to be approximately eight thousand crimes that can be committed in the United Kingdom. We will write a custom essay sample on The Key Differences Between Criminal and Civil Law or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These vary from a bald tyre right up to worst crime of murder. Within the criminal section there are various laws which can be made by an act of parliament, a statute or legislation. Certain councils have the power to create laws known as bye-laws which is delegated legislation entrusted to the councils. Senior Judges also have the power to create laws; these laws are known as precedents. (Crime and justice, ND) In our criminal justice system there is one important rule which is known as the presumption of innocence, â€Å"A defendant is presumed to be innocent until he pleads guilty in court or, if he pleads not guilty until he is proved to be guilty in court. † (Class notes, 2010. ) This means the jury or magistrate must be sure the defendant is guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. The Court system with in criminal law consists of: House of Lords; Court of Appeal (criminal division); Queen’s Bench divisional Court; Crown Court and Magistrates Court. The Magistrate Court sees everyone that commits a crime in the United Kingdom regardless of how serious. The maximum sentence a Magistrate can issue is 6 months and a ? 5000 fine. If crime needs extra punishment, the case is sent to Crown Court. Notorious criminals such as Ian Huntley and Myra Hindley have appeared in Magistrates Courts. (Class notes, 2009) Crown Courts are usually for more serious crimes that are tried in front of a judge and jury. It is then up to the Jury that consists of 12 members of the public to decide beyond all reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty. In order for the Jury to get a guilty verdict they must agree to 12-0, 11-1 or minimum 10-2. If they cannot reach this agreement there will be a re-trial with a new jury. The Judge will then do the sentencing. (Thomas 1999, pg 24) The jury system was imported to Britain after the Norman Conquest; early functions were different from those used today. The first jurors acted as witnesses providing information about local matters. After the Court case ‘Bushell 1670’ it changed the complete set up of the Jury system. Before this case Judges would try and bully juries into convicting the defendant particularly where the crime had political overtones. (Elliot, 2009, pg 219) The Queen’s Bench divisional court, criminal division and Supreme Court are all law making bodies that look at any cases that reach them to decide where the law is not clear and new precedents can come from it. Only the Country’s top Judges can be involved in this. One famous controversial judge that has shaped certain areas of the law is Lord Denning. (Class Notes, 2009) The Old Bailey is the central criminal court which is in London. It is the most televised Court building and it normally sees the most serious of criminal cases. However 95% of criminal cases are held in Magistrates courts. On average a day’s trial in Magistrate’s Courts cost the taxpayer around. The courts can impose four levels of sentence depending on the seriousness of the offence: discharges, fines, community sentences and imprisonment. The most severe punishment, imprisonment, is generally only used for the most serious offences. (Cjsonline, ND) If a crime is an imprisonable offence, it will have a maximum term laid down by Parliament. Judges and magistrates are also given sentencing guidelines designed to provide consistency throughout the criminal justice process. There are also fixed minimum sentences for some serious repeat offenders. (Cjsonline, ND) The other area of the law is Civil Law also known as private law. Civil Law deals with disputes between individuals therefore the state is not involved. (Class notes, 2009) Civil Law is a legal system set up to protect ordinary people in everyday activities. There are many areas under the name Civil Law such as Contract Law, Tort Law and Family Law. (Martin 2007, pg 49) In Civil Law one party known as the claimant sues the other called the Defendant. Examples of common Civil Law claims include car accidents where the victim sues the driver that caused the incident, one business sueing another or personal injury claims. The burden of proof is usually up to the claimant to prove on a balance of probabilities meaning that it is more likely than not or fifty one percent certainty. This is much lower than the ‘beyond all reasonable doubt’ rule used in Criminal Courts. (Martin 2007, pg 51) The Civil Law court system is made up of: The European Court of Justice; House of lords; Court of Appeal (civil division); High court and County court. Small claims cases deal with values less than ? 5000 or ? 1000 for a personal injury claim. Fast track cases deal will actions over five thousand pounds and under ? 15,000 heard in the County Court. Anything over ? 15,000 is called a multi track case and these are heard in the High Court. Out of Court settlements have become very popular resulting in only eight percent of Civil Cases ending up in Court. This is when the defendant makes an undisclosed offer to the Claimant which results in no judiciary action being taken. Some famous out of court settlements include that of The Beatles, Michael Jackson and Katie Price. (Civil law cases, ND) In the past, most Civil Cases were tried by juries but trial by Jury in the Civil System is almost obsolete. Now less than one percent of Civil Cases are tried by a Jury however the Supreme Court Act 1981 gives a right to Jury Trial in four types of case: libel and slander; malicious prosecution; false imprisonment and fraud. (Class notes, 2009) The option of Jury is also down to the discretion of the Court and the type of case. Quinn, 2009, pg 223) In Civil Law, you are awarded with a remedy if you successfully win a case against the defendant it is therefore said that the defendant has been negligent. The judge can order a sum of money to be paid which is known as damages. Other remedies can include an injunction again depending on the type of case. (Class notes, 2009, pg 4) Many people do not know how to differentiate between civil and criminal Law as it has never been made clear to them. They are both completely different sections of the Law that can be summed up in different ways. I have made it clear that criminal Law and the crimes that come within this section of law can be broken therefore, a punishment will be issued. Within civil Law a person does not actually commit a crime. It is when a dispute between individuals is brought to court to seek a reasonable outcome by means of a money payment or an injunction. Aims – hypothesis I believe that most people will be able to differentiate between criminal and civil law and they will have a clear understanding of how the law works.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

New IT Technologies Essay Sample free essay sample

Tendencies are the lifeblood to society and concern. It determines how persons and concern direct their design and handle state of affairss. In the concern sphere. IT trends are what carry the organisation from its current province to the following coevals of concern. There are a few tendencies that are presently within society and concern that have been implemented with success. On the other manus. there are engineerings that have yet to do their grade on concern and are still being evaluated for their utility. The engineerings that I will discourse are. wireless frequence connect ability. LTE engineering. touch screen capablenesss. and voice governable engineering. Wireless Capabilities Wireless capablenesss have been around for a few old ages and are really utile within places and concerns that use them. They help multiple persons connect to a router and entree a web for cyberspace and file sharing use. These webs can be password protected so that merely authorised forces can entree it. We will write a custom essay sample on New IT Technologies Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These webs can besides be left public so that anyone in scope can entree it. The major advantage of the radio web is that it eliminates the use of Ethernet overseas telegrams and phone lines to link to the cyberspace. Besides it allows multiple persons within the same location to entree this web every bit good. The disadvantage of this engineering is that if there is an outage within your country or the router goes out so the signal is lost every bit good. If this event occurs. the Ethernet overseas telegram can be connected to the router but limits the figure of persons who will hold entree. If an organisation does non hold radio capablenesss they should implement this into their concern. With the entree to wireless pressmans this can profit organisations because multiple persons can entree this hub. It does present the same disadvantages that any other radio connectable devices but serves each person in the organisation. LTE Technology LTE engineering is the newest ascent to 3G webs that are use in voice communicating. It is presently being used by phone companies such as Verizon. AT A ; T. T-Mobile. and Sprint. It will let faster connect ability for clients and serve as an ascent to the current webs. The advantage with this engineering is that it increases informations velocities for users and allows them to make multiple things at the same time. The disadvantage with engineering is that it has non been to the full integrated and everyone does non hold entree to it presently. Harmonizing to Phil Asmundson. â€Å"Device-makers will be quicker on the consumption with LTE because they have more experience in the concern theoretical accounts environing data-enabled phones. † At the minute merely certain phones have entree to it so the full potency has non been reached. For the concern degree this can be expensive to incorporate and would take an executive determination. Currently. some companies issue cellular devices to their employees for legion grounds. If they upgraded all employees’ devices it would be dearly-won but besides would ease communicating. The companies could carry on nomadic meetings by utilizing facetime or Skype with their associates. If this is done each person informations velocity would be capable of remaining on the call without dawdling or dropping signal ( Fitchard. 2010 ) . Touch screen Capabilities Touch screen devices have been around for a few old ages when it comes to cellular devices but now they are occupying the concern degree. With the development of touch screen desktop computing machines some companies may be looking towards implementing these devices within their organisations. This will impact concern on multiple degrees and have its advantages and disadvantages for the organisation. The advantage is that it can do accessing the computing machine much easier and extinguish the use of the mouse. Besides it will give exhilaration to the employees in the beginning phases of use. The disadvantage of this engineering is chiefly the cost due to the monetary value of buying these proctors. The 2nd disadvantage is upkeep of these devices due to the sum of cleansing that will happen to maintain these proctors clear from fingerprints. This engineering while creative does non function an organisation much use when it comes to carry oning concern although it may be trendy at the current minute. Voice Controllable Technology Voice-control engineering is an helper that can assist out when you’re drive. caring for patients or ankle-deep in hands-on work. â€Å"Voice-recognition tools besides can be effectual in workplaces with document-intensive work flows. † says Vlad Sejnoha. main engineering officer at Burlington. Mass. -based Nuance Communications. which offers the Dragon Go! Voice-recognition hunt app. â€Å"For illustration. the federal authorities has mandated the usage of electronic medical record systems to gaining control and portion patient information. But they tend to be difficult to utilize. template-oriented and a good option for voice acknowledgment. ( Blum. 2012 ) † Voice-recognition package has already been implemented within cellular devices so it would function a intent within concern every bit good. Apple has already made it a core portion of its trade name and is looking to integrate it within their computing machines and tablets. This package besides has the capa bleness to be incorporated with affiliated telecastings. cameras. Web and e-mail platforms every bit good as vehicles. This engineering may function as being excessively dearly-won due to new purchases a company would hold to do but could function as a benefit. The advantage is that it allows persons to carry on multiple undertakings as one time so it can raise efficiency. The disadvantage is that it can go a distraction to persons and be a hinderance ( International Business. 2012 ) . Mentions Blum. J. ( 2012 ) . 10 Tech Trends Specifying the Future of Small Business. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. enterpriser. com/article/222592Fitchard. K. ( 2010 ) . ARE WE READY FOR LTE? . Connected Planet. 12. International Business. T. ( 1 ) . Improved Siri Will do Everything for You. Including Shopping: Apple Patent Filing. International Business Times.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Common Latin Words Used in English

Common Latin Words Used in English Interested in increasing your vocabulary? Here are some English words from Latin directly or from Latin via French or Spanish. These words are thought to have come from newspaper  articles from around 1923. One of the words on the list, mattoid, does not appear to be used any longer, so it is not included. acumen - ability to make good judgmentsagenda - list of things to be donealtruism - selfless concern for othersambiguous - having a double meaningaplomb (Fr.) - self-confidenceatrocity - cruel actavarice - greedbibulous - excessively fond of drinking alcoholcelibate - abstaining from sex or marriagechivalrous (Fr.) - gallantcondign - worthy, appropriateconglomerate - parts put together to form a unit while remaining separate identitiescrepuscular - pertaining to twilightcull - select from a variety of sourcesdebilitate - weakendirigible - capable of being guidedfacsimile - exact copyferrous - made of ironflux - in the process of flowingfutile - in vaingarrulity - loquaciousnessimpecunious - poorincalculable - too great to be countedincommunicado (Sp.) - not in communication with othersindefatigability - tirelessinsipid - lacking flavorintrospection - looking within at ones mental or emotional statelanguid - slow, relaxedlucubration - meditationmalfeasance (Fr.) - wrongdoingmodicum - small amount moribund - near deathmundane - worldly as opposed to spiritualnaive - exhibiting lack of experienceobeisance - respectobvious - clear (from the Latin for in the way)parvenu - celebrity from obscure originsperpetuate - preserveperturb - make anxiousplausible - probableprecarious - uncertainpuerile - childishly sillypulchritude - beautypusillanimity - showing a lack of couragerapport - close relationshiprapprochement (Fr.) - establishment of a harmonious relationshiprecalcitrant - obstinaterenegade - a rebellious personreprisal - retaliationsacrosanct - very important or holy and not to be messed withsimulacrum - imagestipend - fixed allowancestultify - make appear foolish, cause to loose enthusiasmsuccumb - fail to resisttaunt (Fr.) - provoketentative - provisionalturpitude - depravityubiquity - found everywhere Source: Learn a Word Every Day by Lillian B. Lawler. The Classical Journal, Vol. 18, No. 5. (Feb.​ 1923), pp. 299-301.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Answer the questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Answer the questions - Essay Example Visibility, on the other hand, ensures that a principal maintains a quality contact with both teachers and students and that he is ready to receive opinions from the two parties (OCM Boces, 2013). To lead a school to the type of performance that would guarantee success for the school, I plan to use my skills together with the responsibilities bestowed on me by all stakeholders. Personal skills such as visibility, intellectual stimulation and strong ideals and beliefs should be coupled with the self-drive to undertake the responsibilities of a school leader. Among the most critical responsibilities are recognizing and celebrating accomplishments which acknowledging failures, being a change agent, establishing strong lines of communications, as well as overseeing the development of an institutional culture (OCM Boces, 2013). To guarantee success, I will further require to get directly involved in the formulation and implementation of curriculums and other instruction materials. Ability to establish productive relationships with staff members coupled with accountability in the allocation of resources within the school will further ensure that I am in a pole position to achieve t he schools set goals. One of the principles of school leadership that I learnt during my principal preparation and which I believe will be important to my successful leadership is the importance of establishing a student-centered leadership (Cunningham & Cordeiro, 2006). By doing so, all the resources and energy within the school are geared towards improving the educational outcomes of students. I believe that all successful leaders share several characteristics that make them stand out. Among these characteristics are setting direction, establishing relationships and growing people, developing an institution such that it is geared towards supporting desired practices, overseeing a gradual improvement of an institutions program to match set goals as well as ensuring